Hey All,
Wolfy has a wonderful page up on ADV.  I just got done visiting it.  The
link is www.geocities.com/wolfyluv/adv-straight.html.
If I had a web page, I would definietly put it up or links to it like she
suggests on this page.  Since I dont, I felt like I could not go away and
do nothing.  As my finances are stressed at this time, Noble and
Rinkydink's medical bills, I could not make a donation either.  I will in
the future tho.
So..... what could I do?  Well, I emailed a link to this page to my vet.
I have been sending him everything I can find on this subject with the
heading of "Get Ready, here it comes, ADV".  I want him to be ready and to
know what is going on.  I am hoping this post spurs everyone on this list
to do the same along with some of the other wonderful suggestions put forth
by Wolfy and Judy.
I dont know about ya'll but I for one have had my belly full of not being
able to do anything but offer supportive care for my little guys.
Lets get cracken!!
[Posted in FML issue 3204]