Chris posted about reappraising ferret treats and I agree.  I don't buy any
of the so-called ferret treats.  Look at the ingredients: corn syrup or
molasses is in all of them.  I don't give Chance raisins either.  So, his
"cookie" is actually a con job.  What he gets is a high quality kitten or
different ferret food as a treat.  It isn't his regular food, so since it's
different, he falls for it.  Right now he is getting the Ferret Store's
ferret diet as a treat which he wouldn't touch as regular food.  I gave the
bag to the shelter.  The Ferret Store just sent me another sample with my
Totally Ferret order, so I made a big production about opening a bag of
cookies and put them in his cookie storage container.  He initially turned
his nose up, but I told him it was a cookie and he took it and then wanted
another.  I also get the cat food samples at the pet store that doesn't
sell ferrets.  That way I don't have to buy a whole bag just for "cookies."
Moxie and Chance (I'm really smart but I can be conned)
[Posted in FML issue 3203]