I recently visited a petco that is in Washington state, which is where I
bought my first ferret before I found out about adopting.Anyway while I was
there buying ferret food I asked if they had any ferrets left and they said
they had one left and told me it was with the small animals so I went to
look for the ferret and found this cute baby white ferret in a tiny glass
aquarium with just enough room for him/her to lay down but not to run
around.  I am asking anyone who can help to see if there is anything I can
do so this never happens again with the poor little ferret.  I was going to
just buy him/her but I have 2 already and they both are a hand full so I
would rather not right now, but I feel so bad for the ferret.  WHAT SHOULD
[Posted in FML issue 3203]