Hi Folks!
You are all welcome to attend the First Annual Ferret Frolic and Picnic
sponsored by the PFRA of Centre County
October 14, 2000 (Saturday) 11am to 4pm
Spring Creek Park, Pavilion #2 in State College, PA (near Houserville)
This social event is a chance for local ferret owners to meet and greet
(and help support your local shelter <g>).  The event is organised by the
Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association of Centre County and is open to
all ferret owners.  We will be having a potluck lunch - the shelter is
providing burgers and hotdogs.  If you would like to participate, please
bring a potluck dish (to feed 10) and your drinks.
We will be having a variety of fun matches to be held throughout the
afternoon for trophies and ribbons.  The shelter and our local club will
have tables with all sorts of ferret related items.  A great raffle of
ferret goodies will be held (yes, even a Martin's Barn complete with a
PFC barn set - matching hammock, cage liner & barn cover).
The general public, family and friends are welcome to attend, observe and
learn more about the domestic ferret and the PFRA.
For more information and directions, please contact:
Mary McCarty, Shelter director
P: 814-237-9267
email: [log in to unmask]
11:00 - 3:30    Club/Shelter table open for business.
                Ferret Paw Printing Booth open
                Put your Cutest Photo on display for voting!
12:00 - 1pm     Lunch Time
1:00 - 1:30     Heaviest Hob/Lightest Jill
1:30 - 2:00     Best Dressed Costume Contest
2:30 -  3:00    Paper Bag Escape
3:00 -  3:30    Cup Tipping
3:30 pm         Cutest Photo Contest Award & Last Call for Raffle tickets
3:45pm          Raffle drawing
4pm             Clean up & Done!
+ 1st place Trophy and 1st - 10th flat ribbons awarded immediately after
  each contest.
+ Raffle with cool ferret stuff!
+ Ferret Paw Printing Station
+ Ferret-related merchandise.
+ Local ferret shelter presence.
+ Lots of ferrets and ferret enthusiasts having fun!
***All ferrets must be vaccinated for rabies and distemper
Mary McCarty-Houser, Director
Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association of Centre County
[Posted in FML issue 3203]