There have been several postings about Flagyl.  I generally am not a big
fan of giving intact pills to ferrets (Never used a pill popper in a
Flagyl in the U.S. is usually given to ferrets as a bitter liquid.  Without
some additive, ferrets tend to spit most of it out, may paw at their moths,
causing trauma to the palate and oral ulcers, and may suffer gastric ulcers
over time related to the stress of administration.
The key is finding something that your ferret enjoys and putting the
offending medicine (Pepto-Bismol is also a hated item) in enough of it to
dilute out the taste.  At our house, we can use chicken baby food, and it
doesn't take all that much to cover the taste of Flagyl or powdered Pepto
Tablets (1/15th of a tablet per dosing for the average ferret is the
correct dose for PB).
Pills are ground to a fine powder and mixed in, liquids mixed in.  Got to
make sure they get all of the Baby Food!  (But they are less stressed by
forcing baby food than forcing Flagyl that's for sure!
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, dVM
[Posted in FML issue 3202]