>My little Toby, 3 and half year male Albino has a wart like growth on the
>side of his back foot.  It's a pink bubble with a small crust on top.  I
>live in Jordan and no Vets here know anything about Ferrets.  Can anyone
>help with what this might be?
Dear Nadine:
Sounds lilke a skin tumor - tough to tell, because the warty part sounds
like a sebaceous epithelioma, but the crusty part sounds like a mast cell
tumor, the second most common.  You can find out more about these tumors at
my home page at http://www.afip.org, and there are pictures of them there
too - take a look in the "What's New in Ferret Medicine" Powerpoint
This is a case where a picture of the lesion would be worth a thousand
words - I don't think we can get any more specific without a picture.  At
any rate, what you describe is something that I would suggest removing
surgically and having a pathologist look at.  Both of those tumors are
benign, but its best to get it looked at.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM, DACVP
[Posted in FML issue 3202]