I had a terrifying experience on Sunday.  I let two of my babies out to run
around in the back porch while I got on with cleaning the house.  Before I
left them, I checked everything to make sure it was "ferret proofed" and
decided that the back door wasn't quite secure enough and wedged a chair
under the handle to make sure they couldn't possibly open it while I was
away.  They've been out on the porch countless times with me around and
always played happily with their toys and never tried to escape.  After I'd
finished cleaning, I went back to the porch.  It was really really quiet.
I called them.  Nothing.  I searched the cages, the hidey holes, completely
turned the room upside down - still nothing.  I couldn't see any way they
could have gotten out, I searched all the way round the edge of the room
and finally found it - they had climbed on top of the chair (which I had
stupidly put there to keep them in), jumped up on to the ledge and chewed
through the metal screens on the windows to escape.  I ran outside and
started calling them.  I heard little squeaky noises coming from one of the
storm drains, went over to it and there was Tinkerbell.  I picked her up
gave her kisses and put her back in her cage.  I was still missing Jay.  I
got a flashlight and his favorite toy and started searching all the dark
areas of the yard.  No sign of him.  I started to get really REALLY
panicky.  I ran round and asked all the neighbors if they'd seen him (in a
really strangled voice as I was trying really hard not to cry at this
point), and then searched all their yards.  Nothing.  I thought I'd lost
him for good.  I sat down next to the fence and started sobbing, and then I
heard some rustling behind me.  I turned around and there he was, in the
neighbors yard (where I had looked about 5 mins before) jumping up and down
weasel war dance style as if he was trying to say "look Mommy I found you,
aren't I clever?" I scaled the fence, scooped him up, gave him lots and
lots of kisses, and a looooong lecture on why he wasn't to chew holes and
run away (I think he only paid attention because he was given so much
ferretone!).  So I'm reunited with my babies and I know I will never let
them out by themselves again.  I'm so glad I found them and my heart goes
out to the people who are still searching.
Now, I have two really important (for me) questions... I posted about this
ages ago and didn't get a response, I would really really appreciate some
1) As I mentioned before, I keep my fuzzies on the back porch.  The porch
is covered and the walls are 1/2 regular wall and 1/2 windows with screens
and slatted glass panes (that you can open and close).  It's now starting
to get cold and I'm worried about them.  I want them to build up as much of
a warm winter coat as possible, but I also want them to be warm while they
are growing the coat.  I've put tons of blankets, towels, sleep sacks, old
clothes, etc.  in their cages so they can burrow in them and stay warm.
I live in the DC area, and we get quite cold winters (usually).  I have a
heater to use when it gets really cold, but I'm not sure when I should
start using it.  Any advise on how to keep them warm this winter would be
2) I have three fuzzies, one is a year and a half old (female) the other
two are about 5 or 6 months (one male one female).  I've had them for about
a month now and the older one is still terrified of the babies.  If they
come near her she screams and defecates and urinates at the same time.  I
think she has been descented because she doesn't spray, but she scares the
babies and then THEY spray.  I have tried bathing them, switching bedding,
holding her (I get defecated on!), trying the babies one at a time -
nothing seems to work.  I adopted her from someone and she lived with
two other ferrets before, and got on fine with them.  I'm getting really
worried about her.  She's really tiny compared to the other two, and
because she doesn't get on with the others I have to keep her separated in
her own cage, which is smaller than theirs, and she has noone to play with
while I'm at work.  I'm beginning to think that if she doesn't get on with
the other two maybe I should try and find a home for her with ferrets she
DOES like.  It breaks my heart to even think of this, but I really don't
think that she's getting all the playtime and attention she needs because
I have to make sure she's separated from the others at all times.  Does
anyone have any ideas on how I can integrate them?
thank you,
(and tinkerbell, jay, and sophie)
[Posted in FML issue 3202]