Hi All and your not going to like this,-
The only thing a ferret gets out of fruit especially dried fruit is lots
of sugar, raisins are 70% sugar and very bad for ferret teeth.  The ferret
gets vertuly no nutritional value from fruit and some dried fruit is a
health hazard due to blockages.  Kibble fed ferrets are already feed a diet
far too high in digestible sugars why pump more poison into them.  Just
because a certain food is good for us is no reason to inflict it on our
ferrets.  It seems to me reading your posts that pancreatic and adrenal
disorders are rife in US ferrets, even imported stock that has shown no
sign of these problems at home are showing signs of the diseases after
being house pets for a while.  I read some of the more enlightened ferret
owners are moving to a diet with less kibble and more cooked meat ( the
gravies and soup recipes ) and finding their ferrets seem healthier for
it.  I think a reappraisal of the ferret's diet / treats is long over-due.
Comments from the more experienced ferret owners / breeders would be
P.S. I'm too old and senile to be bothered by flames but I do like reading
Why I feed very little kibble
[Posted in FML issue 3202]