Kathy Lucy asked about the magazine a couple of days ago.  We are finishing
the last pages of Issue #27 now (Tuesday), then it's off to the printer
(takes a couple of weeks).  I put up a picture of the cover at:
http://www.shefferman.com/Journal.html (see the Oct 8 entry).
It's also up at: http://modernferret.safeshopper.com/1/63.htm?141
You can always get updates on what's going on with us by checking "Our
Journal" on the website (go to www.modernferret.com & click on Our
Journal).  Also, I just added an October 2000 Update.  Now that I can do
some of the web stuff myself, it's updated more often.
Today (10/10) is our 7-year wedding anniversary.  As usual, we're
working. :-)   To celebrate, we're going to the Chinese buffet place
for lunch.
--Mary & Eric & Knuks, Trixie, Bosco da Gama, Balthazar, Cauliflower,
Koosh, and Gabrielle
Modern Ferret Magazine
[Posted in FML issue 3202]