My fuzzie (like me (-: ) has a rather unique name and I wanted to share
how she got it.
Her name is Mikette (pronounced mi-ket)
Before I got her (my first fuzzie) I was doing a lot of prep stuff: reading
ferret books, buying supplies etc.  Everyone kept asking me what I would
call her, I said I couldn't possibly know until I got her.  Well, one day
shopping for ferret stuff with my Mom I was asked over and over what I
would call the ferret because my Mom wanted to stop referring to my future
fuzzie as "it".  I told her to just refer to her as "my baby" since that
is what she would be.
That night I figured I better start thinking of some names.  I was stuck on
M's for some reason and kept making up names: Mica, Miesha, then Mikette.
I remembered Kit meant something but couldn't remember if it meant fuzzie
boy or girl (I had already decided to get a female ferret).  When I
realized it meant baby ferret I was thrilled, because loosely translated
(with the "mi" part meaning "my") her name is: My baby ferret!  Just what
I told my Mom to call her!  (-:
(actually I decided the name wouldn't be definate until after I got her,
but the night I got her she kept biting me and I automatically starting
say "No Mikette" so that's who she is!)
[Posted in FML issue 3200]