Hi ppl,
Smokey is starting to get sick, and I dont know why.  I am so worried about
him, and since im only 14, i can take hime to the vet.  My parents dont
seem to think its extremely serious right now, but I will let you guys
I took him out of the cage this morning,and noticed that he seemed a little
different, i am almost certain he has lost a little weight.  I checked
his litter box(im using a new pine pellet litter)and i noticed he had
diarreah.Its not green.  Its a brown color, and its really loose.
(i have heard that the brown color is a GOOD sign).  He seems to be active,
since he gave a real big fight when i gave him pepto bismol and gatorade(to
make sure he didnt get dehydrated)  He seems to be just a little dehydrated.
I mixed gatorade in his water to ensure he gets nutrients.  I have also
been giving him a (vitamin)supplement.  (what i will say next will enrage
alot of ppl, but this is the only time he has done this) He has had to eat
dog food(yikes) for a couple of days.  Right now he is eating Kozy Kitten,
which has always seemed to be good for my ferrets.  What is wrong with him?
Will he get better?  He is NOT vomiting, because I would have noticed that.
He is eating fine, and seems to be getting fluids.  Is it just a little
bug?  PLEASE help.  ANY tips you could give me to further help him will
greatly be appreciated.
Thanks from Smokey and his very very very scared owner, Joseph
[Posted in FML issue 3200]