>From:    Dee Eisenman <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Chicago Tribune article, FML posts
>I have a HUGE problem with the writer calling ferrets "a hobby that
>continues to grow." To me, this is the EXACT wording that the public does
>not need to see.  I am angry that anyone would call ferrets a "hobby".
>Do we call those who have dogs, a "hobby"?
The fancy or showing of dogs is indeed considered a hobby.  Yes even by
those who show their dogs.
The ferret fancy is indeed a growing hobby.
>Ferrets are not collectibles, which is what a "hobby" involves.
Perhaps you need to relearn the word hobby.  Collecting is collecting
though it can indeed be a hobby not all hobbies are collecting..
In fact I looked it up for you at Merriam-Webster's web site
> Main Entry: hobby
>  Function: noun
>  Inflected Form(s): plural hobbies
>  Etymology: short for hobbyhorse
>  Date: 1816
>  : a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for
>  relaxation
>  - hob7by7ist /-bE-ist/ noun
Skipped the first definition which was a small falcon.
But I dare say quite a few of us here are not professionally involved
with ferrets and they sure can be relaxing to watch as they are so
So yes, hobby.  Along with sunbathing, reading, skiing, hiking, spinning
llama hair wool, ...
>From:    "Williams, Bruce" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Exception to posts
>Certainly didn't mean to cause a controversy on the FML!
In this particular case you join Modern Ferret and us.  We're honored to
be included in that list.
We emphatically hope you will continue posting.  And we do hope to see
you again in person some time.  It's been way too long.
>However, I must strongly disagree with the contention that veterinary
>consultants must have physical access to patients.
In all the cases where you have helped us, you were not even in the same
state.  Mostly it was when Dr. Kawasaki called.
Oh...  do you remember our ferret that had seizures?  Where you able to
find anything?
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3199]