Hi, well said.  We don't have expensive ferrets in the UK, normally they
are free and at most only $35 from private breeders.  I can see the chaps
point of view, I have ( my son and I ) 6 dogs, 3 are pedigree the most
expensive was $75, a year old German Shepherd the others are another GS and
a Collie which were free from people that could handle them.  My neighbour
has just spent $700 on a GS pup, I don't think the pup will be loved any
more then my cheapies.  I have bred ferrets myself and the cost of each kit
is only $7 to $10 so some body is making a lot of money out of breeding
them.  Chris.
Wessex Ferret Club    www.wfc.cwc.net
Just my ferret photos  www.ferrets-r-us.co.uk
I guess the American Value system is in tact!!!  Money money money...at
the expense of every thing else!
[Posted in FML issue 3191]