Well, it's been 2 1/2 weeks and someone finally called last night and said
that she saw a strange animal on SUNDAY night crossing the road.  She
didn't realize it was a ferret until she saw my signs.  She described the
shape and size of the animal and the distinctive hump so it sounds like it
was very likely LouLou.
It was about 3-4 blocks from our house - maybe 1/2 mile.  I am hanging tons
of signs in that area and I'm going to look but it's supposed to rain a lot
the next few days.  Maybe if I look when it's not raining though, she'll
come out then.
Do you suppose she really could have survived 2 1/2 weeks out there?  What
would she find to eat and would she be really sick and skinny?  The weather
has been reasonable and it has rained here and there.  It sounded from this
woman's description that she was running at normal pace across the road -
prancing, not really just mosying along.  That's a good sign.  I just wish
it was easier to look for her - there are so many houses and bushes and
sheds and porches that she could be in and under.  And with the baby and
stroller, I can't really go there.
I hope someone finds her before it's too late.  I had already given up
hope.  What an emotional rollercoaster.
Please pray for LouLou.
[Posted in FML issue 3197]