Gatorkisses00 says that if people can't afford to run a shelter, they
shouldn't.  *Most* shelter operators can afford it, because sooner or later
if they can't they are forced to close.  Big difference between "affording"
it and turning a profit.  I consider myself the venture capitalist for my
shelter.  Difference being I figure I'm investing in "name a failed
here" over and over.
I do it for the love of the animals.  As I told one lady who called about
turning in a ferret once that I wasn't a shelter for her benefit, I was a
shelter for the benefit of the animals, and I didn't really care what her
problem was.  I'm not a shrink, and I don't care about the owners problems.
I've heard them all, and frankly 90% of the reasons people "get rid of
their ferret" are total b.s.
Gator also indicated that if "I" didn't do it hundreds of others would.
I would LOVE it if hundreds of others would.  Please, hundreds of other
people, form an orderly line outside my door, and I will hand over all of
the ferrets and shelter stuff.
Are people really ignorant enough to believe that people run shelters for
profit or their own "personal glory"?  That statement totally pisses me
off.  Reality check time.  Antipsychotrophics currently being administered
in the hall.
[Posted in FML issue 3193]