Hello everyone,
I'm mostly a lurker to the list but I just wanted to post a brief note.
First of all, applause to BIG for all the hard work he does every day and
for putting an end to the bickering.  Secondly, regarding the unproductive
posts.  It seems to me that most of the flames I see in list are about a
poor choice of wording.  Personally I have become a scanner lately.  I
start to read a post but if they start putting down another person who
has posted I simply scroll down to the next post.
Let's take this list back to what it's really about, the ferrets.  I have
gleaned so much information from this list in the past months.  I've cried
for the babies who have crossed the bridge.  I've privately been envious of
the victims of ferret math (hubby won't let me near anywhere there could be
a homeless ferret anymore =) ).  I've sent e-mails to people off list who
I thought perhaps I could give some information to.  But in all this time
I have not become either a victim or an offender in the flaming.  We all
have our beliefs and I feel we should respect other's opinions, even if
our beliefs differ.
I send to each and every member of this list a challenge.  Use your
postings in a positive way.  Remember the old saying if you can't say
something nice, don't say anything at all?  The next time you feel that you
need to write and show that "idiot" who just posted just how stupid they
are, or how wrong they are, or...heck fill in the blank, ask yourself why
you are doing it.  If it's just to let off some steam or to make yourself
feel superior push away that keyboard, get down on the floor and chase a
couple of carpet sharks until the feeling goes away.  If you just can't get
that urge to go away then try one more thing, wait until tomorrow's FML
gets delivered...nine times out of ten your response just won't seem so
important anymore.
Ok, that's it for me.  Thank you BIG for all the work you do to bring us
all closer together every single day of the year, don't ever think for one
minute that you aren't appreciated for your hard work and dedication.
Carrie and the tubby 7
*lurk mode re-engaged*
[Posted in FML issue 3193]