Hi everyone,
I have a slight problem.  I live on an army base which I know I have
mentioned before but anyway.  People here are not the most resposible pet
owners.  Over a week ago I was talking to a woman down the street while out
for a walk with Batty, my albino girl and she told me she had a ferret cage
that someone had left in the back yard of her home when they moved out.
She then proceeded to tell me alittle bit about the cage and the ferret
that was once in it.  The couple had divorced and both of them just up and
abanoned the house and all the animals in side which included 2 cats and
a ferret.  Well needless to say the ferret starved to death.  I was heart
broken, how could anyone do this to any animal.
The next day I saw an add in the paper for two male ferrets someone here on
base needed to find a home for.  I had to call even if we just picked them
up from her home and gave them to a shelter.  I know what people are like
here on base.  I called the woman told her I diod not need any of the
ferrets things, cage and such, we just wanted to give a good home to the
ferrets if she could no longer care for them.
I went over to her home and I see these two boys.  The woman had bought
them for her sons 8 and 10 years old.  They where nippy and hyper.  She
said the kids no longer wanted them after only having them a few months.  I
told her that if she wanted I could work with the ferrets and her family,
but she wanted none of it.  She just wanted to sell the ferret and thier
things and be done with it.  I asked her how much, $250 dollars.  I told
her we could offer the ferrets the best of homes and everything but she
said someone would be willing to pay it, if not she would find something to
do with them.  I tried to talk to her more but she was not bugging.  This
past friday I saw that the two boys where in the paper again.  I really
want to take them but we are not that finacialy able.  Anyone have any
Carrie, Andrew, Batty, and Sniffles
[Posted in FML issue 3193]