In response to criticism about BIG as a moderator.  I was once on a list
where the criteria to post was so strict that nothing I EVER posted saw the
light of day.  If any of you are familiar with my postings, I don't think
they are very controversial but the moderator did.  I think BIG does a
fantastic job being fair and nonjudgmental while still keeping control over
the list.  I can't imagine trying to run a list this huge.  I also think if
anyone has a complaint you owe it to BIG to write him privately and voice
it.  BIG is the best moderator of any list I've ever been on.  (now listen,
don't let this go to your head, okay VBG)
[Moderator's note: Get to my head?  If I had a head, you think I'd be
doing this????  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3221]