Hi to all the ferret loved and those who love ferrets.  I have a rescue
ferret with a very big problem.  Romeo came to me as an unwanted as his
owner was going overseas, so he said.  Romeo is two years old and had up
until coming to me been fed on scraps only.  Am not quite sure what that
means exactly.  He is a smallish boy of about 1.1kg.  I had him for 2-3
weeks when someone I know with two ferrets wanted to adopt him.I allowed
her to take romeo but some weeks later heard that he had had an accident
and couldn't walk.  I rung and asked after him and was told he had a
crushed vertebrae but with rest could come right.A couple of weeks later I
was told he was in a lot of pain so I went around to see for my self.  No
he wasn't in a lot of pain, but rather than being confined he was allowed
free run of the lounge all day.  I decided to take him to my vet and so
took the ferret.  To start with my vet was quite hopeful about Romeo
regaining the use of his front legs as he still has feeling in them.  But
after speaking to the vet who first saw him this is what he has to say;
I spoke to the vet who first saw Romeo on the 6th October with painful
neck/back and his front legs not working properly.  An x-ray revealed
compression of the disc between the vertebrae just above the shoulders-
this is probably due to an accident of some kind.  It will have caused
damage to the spinal cord which explains why his front legs are the way
they are.
Whilst he still has feeling in his front legs, he is unable to stand or use
them as usual.  When I saw him the other day I was hopeing he had only had
his accident recently so hopefully the bruising and swelling in his spinal
cord would heal and he would improve.  However the accident must have
happened on or before the 6th Oct; This changes the prognosis dramatically,
as if he was going to improve, we should have expected to see an
improvement by now.  The fact that he hasn't suggests that the damage is
permanent.  There is always a small hope he may improve but given the
time frame involved, I think this is unlikely.
Now the question is does he have a decent quality of life??  He appears
pain free and is eating and alert....
SO.  Is there anyone out there who can offer any advise,alternatives, help
of any kind.  Are there any vets that could give me any more help or hope
for this bright eyed little button.  What I am doing so far and what I am
planning on doing is this.......I feed him Bob Churches chicken gravy, from
a baby's bottle aprox 4 times a day.He has decided he much prefers this
than yuky hard kibble.  I have him in a hospital cage with a dirt box with
side cut down and a stay dry bedding with food and water and a couple toys
to try to alleviate boredom.  If I keep him well fed he sleeps most of
the time so there for is getting the rest he needs to try to help him get
better.In the meantime I am trying to design a little trolley with wheels
that move in all directions that I could strap him onto to give him some
mobility as he is such a bright eyed little fellow.  If anyone could help
me with a design or ideas on how I could do this I would be very grateful.
Thanking you all kindly'
Regards Colleen and the Naughty ones in The Furby Gang Of .........
10 plus four adoptables = 14 ...... :o)
[Posted in FML issue 3220]