On my other son's birthday, Sean learned what heaven was....and what
rainbow bridge was.  Being autistic Sean never had any real concept of God
or anything that wasn't tangible.  But this has been changing at a fast
pace, especially this year.  His best friend with autism lost his guinea
pig and was devasted.  So I took this as an opportunity to teach Sean.  I
feel so much better knowing that know's all about Rainbow Bridge now.
I came out of the bathroom tonight to find him on the couch with Rocky, and
having quite a serious conversation.  He was holding poor Rocky at forced
attention (as always lol), and Rocky for once did not have that "glazed
look" to his eyes as Sean went on.  Rockies ears were forward watching
Seans face the entire time.... as he told Rocky about Rainbow bridge.
I hid around the corner and heard him whispering how he would play with
other ferrets there until he came to be with him forever in heaven.  That
was about all I could hear.  I would have given anything to have heard that
conversation...anything.  I love sharing these things with everyone also.
But... I guess some things aren't meant to be heard.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3219]