Hello all you fuzzie lovers..
Tuck is doing just fine..he likes the singles life, because visiting is so
much fun!  Eating eveyones raisins, treats, sleeping in everyone's beds
much like Goldilocks' habits.
But is he lonesome?  I play with him often, at least once a day but only
for a short period..do ferrets have short term memory, he'll take a sock
and I won't see him for hours...then he may want to play...lately it sounds
like sneezing but he only does it when I squeek his toy...he's an awfully
quiet ferret..he hardly speaks at all...he yawns an awful lot..every time
I pick him up!  How can he yawn like that..he must sleep 20 hours a day!!
And he still yawns!  LOL..
But the nitty of this message is to ask if I should know anything in
particular about the Halloween Ferret Frolic coming up this weekend.  I
really have some help with my friends that I will be going with me, but are
there other little tidbits we should be aware of?  I am talking my rabies
tag and papers the Vet has given me (tuck tells me).  There really isn't
much else..except prehaps the fleece baggie so I can peek out.
Anyway...all you veteran fuzzies out there@!@ HEy!!  Any suggestionsfor
first timers?  ..like a blanket, or like my sneakers for the tunnel races?
Don't leave anything out..fair is fair... Thanks..and see ya all there!!
Last one there is a ...dook dook beat yas there!!!...
Doug and Tuck
[Posted in FML issue 3219]