I can't help wondering exactly why this bothers people, especially those
who seem to think it is only bad because it is a pet.  I'm willing to bet
that the wild animals out there have something to say on that.  I think its
a lot better to stuff a pet, who died naturally, that go wandering around
shooting and trapping animals in the prime of their life.
Plenty of people get animals and pets stuffed.  For some, it is a art form.
Not one I myself find particular attractive, but still.  For a lot of
people, it is a way of remembering a pet.  I had a friend who skinned all
her dead pets, and hung their pelts on the wall.  I wouldn't do that, and
quite frankly it creeped me out a little.  But she loved her pets very
much; it was just her own personal way of dealing with their deaths, and
remembering them.
When it comes down to it, I don't think the ferret itself is too bothered.
Just because you happen to like taxidermy doesn't make you a bad person.
For all you know, this guy is one of the greatest pet owners in the world,
and the ferret had a really good life.  Perhaps the guy doesn't like the
thought of his ferret rotting away in the ground, or BBQing it.  Perhaps he
considers these a bad way or remembering his beloved ferret.  Obviously,
the pet was well thought of, or his wife would not have been concerned with
how its body ended up.  I certainly consider burial a rather disgusting
practise, and wouldn't wish it on myself or a pet.  But I don't go around
spitting on people who chose to do it.
So I think you are all being a little judgemental here.  There is enough
cruelty to ferrets that are alive without worrying about ones that are
dead.  Just because someone has different ways of dealing with a pets body
doesn't mean it is wrong, or they are wrong.  We all deal with things
- Sessurea
[Posted in FML issue 3193]