Help, we have had little progress with our second ferret.  We have had him
for about 2 weeks and my original ferret still hates him and now he is
scared of her.  She wants to run and attack him and he backs away or runs
under the furniture- we have Piper (our first ferret) on a leash because
otherwise they just fight.  She has ended up with raw skin on her neck
where Buddy the new ferret bit her during the first encounters.  It flaked
off and is healed now.
We have tried giving them a bath together, taking the outside together, we
keep their cages next to each other and switch their bedding and/or cages,
we have tried bitterapple on their necks, giving them snacks together,
nothing seems to help.  They have separate playtime and joint playtime
during which we keep one or both on leashes and try to let them interact.
Buddy came from a family where he had other ferret friends, but we have
had Piper alone since late April.
He bares his teeth at her, she hisses and claws at the rug, they do not
what to be around each other- we don't know what to do any more
Buddy also poops all over the apt.  He uses his litter pan in the cage, but
just squats anywhere in the livingroom or hall, it doesn't even have to be
a corner and they are different places almost everytime.  He also poops
like 3-4 times in a half an hour when he is out.  Is there anything we can
do about that.
Please help, we don't know what to do!!!!!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 3218]