Dear Kalaine:
>Taz has had some trouble breathing.  I have had a cold, so I assumed it
>was a cold.  She has been off and on the pink drops.  On Sat. she started
>gasping and grinding her teeth.
I think that you are right about the ulcers.  If she is also passing tarry
stools, that is a fairly easy diagnosis.
>We took taz in, and when the vet looked at the back of her throat I
>gasped.  It was so raw it appeared to be bleeding.  She told me that Taz
>had to go back on the drops bec.  it was a virus.  (I tried suggesting
>maybe it was ulcers and could I give her pepto, or pepcid).
One of the most common causes of mouth ulcers is actually gastric ulcers.
Ferrets with gasric ulcers often become nauseous, and nauseated ferrets
tend to put their feet in their mouth and rake away, causing self trauma
and oral ulcer formation.  Don't know of any virus which causes oral
ulcers in ferrets.
>When we got to the car Taz couldn't use her hind legs.  I had put her down
>infront of me.  She usually sniffs the car carpet before we go, and then I
>put her in a carry case.  I rushed back into the vet, and they tried pain
>on her toes, and she didn't pull back, they also put a towel down, and she
>uses her front legs fine, but she rocks her back from side to side.  She
>can't use her rear legs at all.
Being as I wasn't there, and didn't see the administration of the shot, let
me simply say that it would be very unlikely a routine injection would
result in immediate paralysis of the back legs.  Not that something didn't
happen, or that she isn't paralyzed, but shot administratin is usually
given under the skin.  If it was given in the muscle of one leg, it doesn't
explain what is going on with the other leg.  Plus with the absence of deep
pain, this sounds like real paralysis, not simple weakness - and that is
not a good sign.  This is a real puzzler....I'm sure that the shot wan't
given in the spinal canal - that is nigh unto impossible.  I suppose I
would have to consider the possibility of spinal trauma from rough
handling - could she have injured herself in the bag?
>The vet told me to take her home tonight and try to keep her calm, try
>not to let her move.  (have you ever seen a ferret that doesn't want to
>move).She keeps dragging herself around in a circle in the cage.  She told
>me to bring her back in the morning if she isn't walking at 6 am.  I don't
>know what to do.  She said we might have to take Taz to a nuerologist.  I
>told her I can't afford it.  I am still tapped from the 3,000 dollar bills
>from last X-mas when both girls had ECE.
If the paralysis occurred while the animal was in the vet's care, then it
is the vet's concern.  A good vet would not let this type of outcome go
without some effort to make amends.
>The vet didn't apologize or admit any wrong doing.  I didn't freak out
>(I really wanted to).  I don't think I should have to pay for anything
>regarding this paralysis.  I think the vet should cover the bill.
I would agree.
>I don't even want to take her back there.  I think they should even pay
>for me to take her someplace else.  Does anyone have any advice?  Do vets
>have malpractice insurance.  I don't want to sue them.  I just want them
>to pay for any treatment regarding this paralysis.  I took her in for a
>sore throat, and came out w/ a ferret who can't walk.
I can understand your feelings here, but let me suggest you are being
hasty.  Give the vet a chance tomorrow to offer to help, to try to make
things right.  This sounds like a freak injury, there was no malice or
neglect, the vet was giving a vaccination which you requested and it has
not established definitively that it is indeed the vet's fault.  Talk with
the vet, and don't lead off with lawsuit talk.  You can keep that in your
back pocket.  You may be surprised - the vast majority of vets are caring
individuals who may be as devastated as you at this turn of events.
>Does anyone have any advice on how to play or help ferrets with hind-leg
>paralysis?  Also, any advice on what I should or could be doing.  Please
>don't attack me.  I feel really bad.  I need advice to help my ferret.
#1 - Why would anyone attack you for trying to get medical care for your
ferret.  If they do, then they shouldn't be a member of the caring ferret
community on the FML.  If it has come to this point, where anytime anyone
posts they feel as they will be attacked, maybe I've been away too long.
More importantly, #2 - it's very early to tell what is going to happen
with Taz - we've already got cortisone in the circulation, which would be
a primary mode of treatment for spinal injury.  I think we need to give
it at least a couple of days to try to see the level of damage and the
possibility for any improvement before we even discuss treatment - it is
very difficult to treat an injury which we don't know anything about.
Diagnostic tests though should be performed as early as possible - tomorrow
if available.  A spinal X-ray and a good neuro exam may help to delineate
the level and extent of injury.  Give your vet a chance to make this right
before you escalate anything.
With kindest regards,
Bruce Williams, DVM
[Posted in FML issue 3218]