I just wanted to ask a question.  Yes ferret math got me.  I swore that I
would have no more then two ferrets and now....I have three.  Ramses is 10
Months Old, Sadie is 8 months old and my only female Memphys is 11 weeks.
They are all living together in the same large cage and getting along fine.
I do have this one problem though.  All my ferrets went thru a stage where
they would dig in the litter pan with their nose and scoop out all of the
food that is in there bowl.  It drives me nuts!  I think they do it now to
annoy me because they know they are cute and they can just about get away
with anything.  Does any one on FML know how to correct this behavior?  I
have already tried the lipped food bowl, and a J feeder.
Thanks for your time!
[Posted in FML issue 3214]