Today I was driving along and saw a *very* young kitten that had been hit
by a car and had crossed the bridge.  It was a little black kitten.  It
tore my heart out so much that I had to go back and pick him/her up for a
proper burial.
I brought him home, crying as if it had been my own kitten.  He/she was
laid to rest next to my ferret, Casper.  I cried so many tears for this
little kitten that never had a chance ... I cried even harder when I
thought that it might be a feral kitten that never knew the love and
comfort of a safe home and in the company of people who cherished him/her.
Sandee, if there is nobody there to greet this precious tiny kitten who
never even had a chance to live thru a full cycle of seasons, please, tell
Casper that he is OURS now, in our hearts, even if he was never in our
lives.  Please, ask Casper to show him/her around and to tell that kitten
that I love him/her, even though I never met him.  Tell that kitten that
I'm sorry, so very, very sorry that his life was so incredibly short but
that he touched MY life and MY heart!
Thank you.
[Posted in FML issue 3213]