This was a very, very sad week.  On Sunday, Zakk the Doberman (who thought
he was a ferret) was brought back to the shelter.  His new owner couldn't
keep him after all.
Due to reasons mommie says are too painful to share with us, Zakk had to be
put to sleep.  He crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Monday October 16.  Mommie
was with aunties Carla & Aggie and uncle Dee who helped her through this
terrible loss.
Pandora was adopted this week.  She went to Herme's parents.  Hermes
crossed the Bridge a few months ago and was given a burial and ulegy by a
minister in a local pet cemetery.  I'm sure Pandora is going to the best
possible home.
Finnegan is doing much better.  He's at home with auntie Paige, recovering
nicely.  Casper is going in for more tests next week to see how he's doing
Mommie didn't go to the pet show this weekend.  She had to stay home with
grandma.  she's been really sick and the chemotherapy has really gotten her
down this time.  grandma did want me to thank Ronnie & Stephanie for the
lovely get well cards.  they always make her feel better.
I had a lot of fun at the pet show.  as usual, i was the star of the show.
I love being there and meeting all the cool people.
All for now,
Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society Ferrets 2000 Conference
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[Posted in FML issue 3213]