>From: Dee Eisenman <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Religion no-no, AFA judging standards
We demand that you refrain from slandering us.  You slipped one past
BIG since he didn't notice you reference to Bill.
[Moderator's note: Can someone please point these out to me?  A reference?
Now am I supposed to read every post trying to guess to whom an unnamed
reference might refer?  BIG]
>Of course, there will always be those out there who say nasty things
>about AFA, especially if they were removed from the judging circle
Bill was not properly removed from the AFA program.  There were no
violations of any of the AFA policies by Bill on records.  None.  There
were several judges that had long lists of complaints about them and they
were not removed either.  The fact the the GCFA chose to bring both Bill
and Diane out to judge their show after excluding the AFA judges should
be taken into account.
The president of the AFA ad the AFA Judge's co-ordinator broke AFA judge's
program rules and invented a "non-renewal".  That was done on a day when
they knowingly lied to both of us.  They had been boasting of what they
would do to Bill.  They were also boasting of having stolen email belonging
to Bill.
The non-renewal that you know absolutely nothing about was done and no
reasons were given.  Since you know nothing about it you really should
not cast your aspersions.
Bill and Diane both have very good reputations within the ferret show
community for being impartial - a more impartial reputation than the
folks that chose not to "renew" Bill's license.
There has been some slander from the President of the AFA about Bill but
as of yet no valid reasons have been given for their action.
Bill and Diane do not have bad things to say about the AFA itself.  It has
been a fine organization however a few of its officers are not living up
to the promise of the organization.
>All of this is getting a bit much.  Let's all stop speculating on what ifs
Your hypocrisy seems to have no bounds.  You speculated long about Bill
and have continued to not acknowledge Diane's efforts.
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3213]