Greetings on a crisp autumn day in Seattle!
Until FOX develops a show "When Good Ferret Toys Go Bad," I feel obligated
to share this experience with my fellow Dookaholics:
Despite my better judgement, we purchased some of those Kong chew toys -
the ones that are also made for dogs; hard red rubber chew thingies.  I did
not listen to the voice screaming inside my head about ferrets and rubber,
blockages, etc.  and instead rationalized that if it was marketed (heavily)
as a ferret toy, it could not be dangerous.
After a few days of feeling happy because The Frantic Ferret Frenzy was
having a blast chewing away, I took a closer look at the toys: there is
a bit of raised rubber, latex - like, encircling the smaller end of the
Kong Chew Toy.  One of the three was either partially chewed off.  In a
hysterical panic (if you have ferrets you know what that feels like) I
searched for any bits in the Ferret Room and found most of it.  However,
it was many days and a lot of ferret lax before we could breathe easy.
All three of our boys are just fine.
Has anyone else had this problem with Kong Chew Toys?  If you have them for
your ferrets, please take a close look at the small end of them.  Mine have
teeth marks sinking deeper than I figured could happen.  Beware, the chew
Heidi and James
[Posted in FML issue 3213]