Greetings all!
Just finished taking the little man to the vet for his fera-vac.
I trust this vet so much, she is absolutley incredible!  She is
fullytrained in Western medicine, Traditional Chinese medicine,
Acupuncture, Chyropracy, and lots more.
She is a major advocate of feeding pets natural food.  Meaning MEAT.  I
just started my cat and ferret on it, and the cat LOVES it.  There's a
recipe that you can follow, it takes you a coupleof hours total, then you
have a 2 week supply of food.  She doesn't sell this info, she's just
looking out for the well-being of animals.  She sayd since ferrets have
only been commonly kept in cages and fed kibble food for what, 10-20
years?... they are less adapted to this cereal and animal-by-product based
diet... and should be fed a meat based diet with occaisional treats of
cucumber, apple, etc.  If you read the information, it really makes sense.
She just got back from a conference in Virginia where the direct link from
grain-based food was drawn to the dramatic increase in Adrenal Disease and
other cancers.
My Vet fully believes that the mass-produced pet foods are responsible for
the chronic illnesses we all are seeing in our beloved pets.  She was the
vet for this family about 20 years ago that raised and kept ferrets to hunt
rabbits... but, (surprizingly) kept them in the house as pets and got them
medical attention.  She said they were fed what they would eat in the wild
MEAT.  Chickens and whatever rodents they caught.  She said only ONE of
them didn't live PAST 10 years.  And all died of "old age".  Not these
frigging diseaseswe constantly see.
My ferret hasn't taken to it yet, but I'm working on it.
Kris Fizz-gig and Tigg.
[Posted in FML issue 3213]