I was recently contacted by a "concerned ferret mom" in Sapulpa, Oklahoma.
She volunteers at a place called Safari Joe's.  Safari Joe's is a
non-profit, exotic animal place that does birthdays and parties and such
"educational and entertainment programs".  He has a website
(www.safarijoes.org).  Supposedly he has 9 ferrets in a cage WAY to small
and would like to have someone donate a cage so he can take better care of
the ferrets.
Living in Josef Bean's backyard, I'm much too familiar with crooked,
non-profit, exotic animal farms.  However, if this place is above board
they may need cages.
Does anybody have any insight here?  Ever heard of this place or live close
enough to check it out?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 3193]