Dooks to ALL.
To all of my Brothers and Sisters, I send my thanks to those who have
kept me in their thoughts & prayers.
For those who have had their beloved Fuzzies depart to the Rainbow Bridge,
I extend my deepest heartfelt sympathies, for I cry with each one, knowing
that the loss is only temporary, but I also feel your loss of companionship
with one of God's beloved creations.
For those Fuzzies that are ill, I keep you in my prayers, that the Great
Architech of the Universe will touch you with His Healing Hands, and when
it is time for you to go to the Rainbow Bridge, that HE gives you peace
and allows you to fall asleep and wakeup at the Rainbow Bridge, until we
join you there.
For my Brothers and Sisters who have shared their joys and sorrows and
experiences, I give you thanks, for I continue to learn with each issue
of the FML.
Brothers & Sisters, I appeal to each of you, that your judgments about
others may not be as harsh as some are.  For all of us are subject to
error.  Just because a Brother or Sister does not believe as I do (in
regards to religion), I do not have the right to judge them.  If a
breeder is in error, speak with them directly and encourage that they
correct their errors.  If they do not heed your advice, then contact the
proper authorities, act as a witness if needed, and allow the law take
its course.  Bashing is not the answer, nor does it correct the problems,
only by facing the problem can change be made.
I pray that God, The Heavenly Father, give each of you peace in your
hearts, minds and souls and may HE protect you through this day, that I
might meet with you again, through the FML, tomorrow.
In peace:
Rev.Ron Sims,D.D.& Family:8 Hooman-Beans;17 Ferts;5 Canines;& 2
[Posted in FML issue 3212]