Christine Mathis began the day, speaking on responsible breeding and
sheltering.  She made a lot of sense.  Troy-Lynn spoke passionately and
made quite a few people cry.  So many people look up to both these
incredible shelter moms I had no idea how I was going to follow them
We were running out of time and I was glad.  I still had no clue what I was
going to speak about to a room of my peers .  I got cut from a 1/2 hour to
10 minutes.  I was relieved.
During the break I wrote my speech in my head.  I really don't remember
what I said, I just know it was from the heart.
After I was done, you all made me cry.  My skin was covered in Goosebumps
as you stood up and clapped for me.  I've never felt such an out pouring
sense of emotion in my life.
Turning to say good bye to the people I'd e-mailed for so long, and met
that weekend was like saying good bye to my best friends.  You are all so
special to me.  I only wish I would have met the ferrets you belong to as
well and Harley was disappointed not to meet Shiloh (his long distance
Sunday, Ronnie & Rebecca took home kids from the shelter.  Ronnie taking
Rascal & Hailey and Rebecca & Sara taking Jill.  I know they are in the
best place ever.
I got to spend some time with Gary on the Monday and we pigged out on
doughnuts and tea. It was nice.
I still look back at our special weekend together, wishing it never ended
and that I could still see you all, but my faith is strong that another
Ferrets event will follow.
The Ferret Aid Society Ferrets 2000 Conference
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[Posted in FML issue 3212]