I'm getting really tired of all the posts regarding breeders, showing,
and the correct terminology of ferret ownership.  I am a true and devoted
animal lover and have been for the entire 32 years of my existence on
earth.  Until 3 years ago when I acquired my first ferret, I was a devoted
dog person.  However, I never wanted to have a litter of puppies of my own,
because I could never trust that anyone I would give/sell the pups to would
be as devoted as myself to care for the animal their entire lives.  I was
conciously aware and understood the effects of breeding and chose to NOT
contribute to the over population.
In my opinion showing is it's own form of animal abuse and simply an owners
own ego.  Animals were never created to be the "perfect" specimen.  It
has been mankind that has taken this *hobby* to limits of overbreeding,
inbreeding, and proliferation for the sake of the perfect animal.  I find
it to be a conflict of interest when a rescue/shelter also participates in
breeding.  On one hand you're trying to save an abuse/neglected animal then
you're turning around and putting one right back on the street.  No matter
how diligent you try to find the "right" homes, one will always fall
through.  That one is now the one you have to save thru your rescue/shelter
door.  Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Now getting back to the FML and postings.  I find it offensive that the
breeders on the board continuously bash one another when I feel they're
all guilty animal abuse.  We all have our own opinions of what's
considered a *beautiful/gorgeous/perfect* ferret.  But to me the
*beautiful/gorgeous/perfect* ferret is the one that is healthy, happy, and
well cared for.  I think we should all rethink our actions and motives.  If
you're going to be a breeder than breed, but don't go around defaming all
other breeders because they do not conform to "your" standards.
Dooks to all.
[Posted in FML issue 3211]