Hi to all the ferret loved and those who love ferrets.
I posted a couple days ago about ferrets turning orange and what might
cause it.  Someone suggested it might be a seasonal thing and someone
suggested genetic.I thought it might be the food he was given, but his
cage mate hasn't turned orange??  He used to be a plain male sable.When
I first got him, at about a year old, while he was at his worst state of
neglect and starvation he was still sable.  I got him up to good health
and re-homed him and another year later he has come bouncing back but has
become a tad orange.  Another ferret I adopted was orangey when I first got
him but has slowly gone back to plain sable.???  Any theories welcome.
I also posted on integrating ferrets.  How do you all manage it.Could I
and others please hear your stories.  I have tried putting them in each
others cages, tried the linetone on the neck and tried making my own yuk
off stuff to put on their necks and nothing seems to have worked.  I can
not get bitter apple here, so if someone could give me the ingredients in
it I would appreciate it very much.  Or if anyone has any secret yuk off
recipes or ideas please post them for us all to learn.
Thanking you all kindly
Regards colleen and the Naughty ones in The Furby Gang of ......10.(
Missing Baldadear) plus adoptables of ...2
[Posted in FML issue 3211]