Hello all!
I don't have much time to read the fml, but I came across a couple of
posts regarding time and ferrets.
First to the lady who feel's she may have contributed to her two babies
deaths due to her not having the time to play with them: I honestly do
not believe that was the case.  Most likely, it was there time to go.
Did you vet do an autopsy?  Maybe having the results would have relieved
you of the pain you feel; the self-blame.
To the next subject: I honestly do not understand how a family or person
can give up a pet because their new apt. does not accept pets (trust me,
you can get around this...I have...or better yet, do not move into the
apt.) or because they just had a child.  When taking in a ferret, dog, cat,
whatever animal, you must take into account possible life changes, such as
a child.  If you're presently married, or about to get married, you most
obviously are thinking about having kids.  If you don't feel you can take
care of kids AND a pet, don't get the pet in the first place.  It's not
fair to the animal.  Animals are living, feeling creatures, not throw-away
inanimate objects.
I do very much understand how difficult it is to raise children and run a
house.  I raised a younger brother and sister, worked to pay rent, food,
etc., went to school full time (high school) and took care of pets.  It
can be done, but it is a team effort from the family (husband, wife, older
children, if any).
In any case, before adopting a pet, give a thought to future circumstances;
decide if you can handle the reponsibilities of parenting both animals and
human children at the same time.
Best wishes to all
[Posted in FML issue 3211]