Mac & cheese and/or hot dogs for a week will not harm a child.  In fact,
many children are extremely partial to these food items and resist most
efforts to get them to try what might be considered better food choices.
What a reduction of food choices for a week will teach a child is that
sacrifices can and should be made for the benefit of others.  Every child
should grow up understanding that there are times we choose to sacrifice
our own desires for some other being.  In this case the being is the
ferret.  I really doubt that the majority of us have not eaten from the
existing food supply instead of shopping because the ferrets needed
something.  We have - we call it being on an austarity kick.
And of course the ferrets are extremely appreciative of our efforts on
their behalf.  Muffet always shows appreciation by trying to chew the
shoes right off my feet!
[Posted in FML issue 3192]