I saw something pretty upsetting this morning while I was walking my dog.
Either scenario I've pictured in my mind is pretty bad.
I live in an apartment complex of numerous buildings.  Just beyond the last
building is a trash area, a fenced in spot with a bunch of dumpsters.  Lazy
people always seem to put their trash next to the dumpsters instead of in
This morning when I went in the gate with a pooper-scooper bag, something
to the left of the last dumpster caught my eye.
It was a three level ferret cage, just like mine except not coated.  There
was old, dirty newspaper on the bottom level, a water bottle lying on its
side on the paper, and some PVC tubes zip-tied to various spots inside.
On top of the cage was a small carrier.  Inside the carrier was a white
towel with ferret poop on it.  On the towel was a tube of Nutrical, a
prescription bottle (I was afraid to reach in to see what or whose it was),
and a handful of business cards from Dr. Charles Weiss' office.  Next to
the carrier, also on top of the cage, was a corner litter box, a food bowl,
leashes, collars, and toys.
I was so upset.  My first thought was that the owner had let the ferret go
and just threw all its stuff away.  I started looking around the dump area,
thinking that maybe the ferret was nearby.
My second thought was that the ferret had a pretty bad case of adrenal
disease (because of Dr. Weiss' cards) and that it must have died.
I can't explain how sad this made me feel.  I'm thinking that if the items
are still there when I get home from work tonite, I'm going to gather them
up, clean them really good, and donate them to a shelter.  I want something
good to come out of this, since inevitably the end of the ferret was not
Aileen & the Herd minus two Herdlings
Slinky, Kyle, Noel, & Rootie the beagle
Fresh from the pain of losing Sandy. We love you, sweetheart.
Still missing Gizmo. We love you, too, baby.
Check out the Herd's website at:
[Posted in FML issue 3211]