Just to make it very clear to all concerned, We at Especially Ferrets may
know a lot about ferrets, but what we know about breeding them can be put
in a thimble.  We always discourage amatuer breeding to anyone who inquires
about breeding ferrets.  It's not that we don't know the answers, because
we know enough folks around the world who breed and can always find
answers, we just don't believe that amatuers should breed ferrets.  We
tried a couple of times and know better now.
One thing I would like to put out to all the quality breders around the
world.  Petco is looking for reputable breeders that can supply them with
ferrets.  They need a lot of ferrets too.  I guess they are not happy with
the source of their ferrets or the reputation that goes along with those
ferrets.  Please ....no flames, Ilove all those MF ferrets as much as
anyone.  It wasn;t their choice to have the life they have nor was it their
choice to be bred at MF.  But the word is out, Petco is looking, whether
they will admit it publicly or not, for ferrets from another source than
MF.  All of you who think you can muster up enough ferrets, give them a
call in San Diego.
And for all of you who keep complaining about the alledged conditions at
MF, quit complaining please.  As a matter of fact, quit buying their
ferrets, their food, their products and soon they will go away just like
any other business who doesn't have enough customers to stick around.
Businesses nowadays can't survive off of just new business.  You need
referrals and and that is something that no amount of an advertising budget
can give you.  You see, in the ferret industry, there is a choice.  Choices
of ferrets, foods, toys, and other ferret related products.  Shelters and
those that support shelters manufacture and sell everything you can imagine
for ferrets.  Buy from them and not those who we hear all the complaints
about.  That goes for not only for MF, but any other company that doesn't
strive to make you the customer happy or have your pets best interests at
One last thing, Especially Ferrets Inc.  officially has its own line of
hammocks available.  One of our volunteers used to make them for us as a
way of donating to the shelter.  We finally talked him into starting his
own business and has become official.  Matthew Jaramillo is now Ferret
Dreams and makes hammocks exclusively for Especially Ferrets Inc.  They
come in Two sizes and are all lined.  Instead of heavy buckles on them, we
have elastic cords at the cornwerws so the kids can bounce around in their
hammys like we used to when we were kids and the little snaps we use don't
make noise or damage the dryer.  they come in a variety of solid colors or
patterns and we make them for holidays and your favorite sports teams.  We
are already sold out of the Halloween ones, but will start making them for
Thanksgiving and Christmas soon.  The cost on them is $14.95 plus S$H and
$19.95 plus S$H for the large size.  We will be posting some samples on our
web site soon.  Check them out at www.especiallyferrets.org coming soon!
Thanks so much Bill for your hard work and dedication and your support of
the shelters efforts to survive.
Hugs to all,
[Posted in FML issue 3209]