I have a question that perhaps some of you shelter moms or dads or even
online vets could help me with.  It involves one of our elderly, yet very
much alive and kicking albino ferret, Lily.  She's about 7, I'd guess,
maybe older.  She's in excellent health and has a gorgeous coat, good
appetite, is good and solid (not thin and boney) and blind.  Her problem
is that she hates any medications!  No matter how you disguise them, she
kicks, spits, pees, slaps, etc.  Scruffing doesn't work.  She is somehow
able to get out of that hold by spinning and twisting.  In the past I've
had to scruff her and hold her over the bathtub so when she pee'd it
wouldn't go all over me or the floor or the other ferrets.  She'd end up
having to take a bath when we were through......
So, tonight she had her first insulinomic seizure and after rubbing honey
on her gums and pulling her out of it, I fed her a high protein soup (TF,
turkey baby food) and she perked up a bit but was still not herself.  Then
I tried giving her a bit of pediapred and zowee!  Lily the ferret is off
the wall and wired!  It went everywhere but down her throat.  She gagged
and coughed and pawed at her mouth for quite a while and looked so very put
out.  I gave her the soup first in order to have something in her tummy
when I gave her the pred, as I've heard that pred on an empty stomach can
cause nasty ulcers.
How on earth do you medicate a ferret who would honestly rather die than
be medicated?  It is a battle and I'm not exaggerating.  I know that's
not good for her and adds to her stress.  Is there anything I can mix the
pediapred with to cover the taste?  Any suggestions?  My others guys that
are on pediapred love it.
I'd love to hear any and all of your experience regarding the pediapred
(or any medicine for that matter) haters.  Thanks in advance.
Ferret Services of Freedom
[Posted in FML issue 3208]