I went back to try to find this person's original post and couldn't seem
to find it's original thread, but after the post today I had to respond.
I did go back to yesterday's and found some of the exchange, and I have
to say something here.
>This was part of the response i got to my last post about the cost of
>ferrets, and profits.  Does anyone but me see a problem here???  Human
>Value less than Animal Value.
>Come on people if you expect me to stand up an applaude your efforts on
>behalf of Ferrets at the expense of your children you need help.  And
>this woman runs a Shelter?
I don't know who you are, don't want to know.  I doubt that you know any of
the people who run shelters from what you've pointed out here.  I truly,
truly doubt that shelter folks put human value below the value of their
animals.  I think, if you had read between the lines here, you might have
seen the fact that the ferret is brought to you, needs immediate attention?
I can honestly tell you that most vets demand the money up front, and if
faced with that crisis, you try to find the money.  Does this mean you
value your family less, I think not.  Does this mean you really feed your
kids hot dogs, mac and cheese, no.  I think you need to get a grip here.
>Umm just break out the mac and cheese...they seem to be used to it from
>what you said.
You obviously got upon the wrong side of the bed, or are you naturally this
>I am sorry ....this really urks me...she flames me for saying that a
>person should not be judged by there willingness to pay large fees for a
>ferret as the basis of ownership?  Read the above again...shouldn't we
>apply the same formula then to Shelter owners.  If they can not afford to
>care for the ferrets they take in as rescues without taking away from their
>own families (children) then they should not be allowed to be a shelter?
>After all the 5000.00 you may spend this year on care of your ferrets could
>be the 5000.00 needed to feed your kids more than mac and cheese!  I wonder
>what the kids medical expense would total after not having nutrious meals?
From the shelter people I've met and talked to, their families are taken
care of, as well as the ferrets.  What would you suggest a person do when
someone calls and says "take this animal or I let it loose to survive on
it's own", or another person just drops it off to you, you find one that's
been dumped and in need of a home/care.  Do you walk away from a situation
like this?  I'm not a shelter, but I have the highest regard for people who
do this type of thing.  Instead of slamming this lady you wrote about, why
not try to do what a lot of us on this list do-donate items to a shelter,
give a little money to help them defray the cost?
And from your earlier post:
>Why is it that most people I find posting here have one of two things to
>say.  Either they are so busy FLAMING others or they are posting endless
>drivel about every little thing that their fuzzies might have done in the
>last 24 hours?....
You obviously don't really read this listing.  A large number of these
posts are full of information, ideas, suggestions on helping each other.
Yeah, there are periods where people on this list seem to go through
terminal PMS, and others are afraid to write in because they might get
flamed, but that eventually blows over or BIG stops it.  And as for the
'nonsense'.  Well, if people didn't write in funny things their ferrets do,
you'd never be able to share in the fun that ferrets bring.  Sometimes the
losses that people write in about are so tragic that to read the next post
where a ferret had done something funny is a light at the end of a tunnel
that proves not to be the oncoming train.  For your information, I save
my FMLs, and after reading that you think it's all flames and nonsense, I
went back whole week, and you know what, I found advice, I found questions
seeking help, I found Dr. Bruce Williams writing in.  Yes, there's
silliness, there's tragedy, and there are disagreements.  Thank God for
>As for the*FLAMERS*...COME ON NOW....didn't your mothers ever teach you
that if you can't say >something nice don't say anything at all?
I happen to agree with Leigh-you obviously need to take your own advice.
From what I read today, you don't want to say anything nice, you're here
to pick a fight.  "Bring on the e-mails" isn't that what you said?  Why?
You are nothing, if not belligerent.  From what I read in your posts, if
most of the people here on the FML are smart (and they are), they won't
'bring on the e-mails' to you.  You're out to cause fights, plain and
simple.  Your rather nasty comments bring to mind two sayings for me.  "If
ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy" and from Murphy's law
"Never have a battle of wits with an unarmed person".  And keeping the last
one in your mind, don't bother to e-mail me directly.  People like yourself
are downers, and I've had quite enough of them in my life, and know I'll
meet more.  I have a delete button on my computer which I will use.
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste =
 good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 3192]