Unfortunately this must have been a post I missed.  Can someone please
forward it to me!
I took a little rescue girl to the vet today because of "mushy" poop with
a strong order, altho not the odor of ECE.  I've had Kewpie approximately
2 years, as she is now a well loved member of my family.  Kewpie gets a
"rat tail" during the shed, regrows her fur, and gets it again during the
next shedding period.
This vet said he could "feel" a right adrenal tumor and wants to do surgery
as soon as her diahrrea is cleared up.  He also said "rat tail" is an early
indication of adrenal disease.  If this is the case, it appears four of
my babies are adrenal.  He also stated he wanted to do surgery before she
became "anemic".
Kewpie was put on Albon with Flagyl for the infection and Liquapect to
"firm" up the diahrrea.  Kewpie is an MF, so she's been spayed.  He also
said he'd actually done more right adrenal surgeries than left, and she'd
be under between 45 mins.  to 2 hrs.
Needless to say I was in shock at some of the statements he made.  Is "rat
tail" an early indication of adrenal, and why would she become anemic since
she's spayed?  He stated her hormone levels would start rising if her right
adrenal wasn't removed.  And being under for possibly 2 hrs. seems way, way
to long for a surgery and complete recovery.
I live in TX where there are very few ferrets and even less ferret
knowledgeable vets in the town I live in, but what he was saying just
does NOT seem right at all.
Dr. Williams, can you offer any input on this, or anyone else?
Thanks in advance.
[Posted in FML issue 3207]