Betty wrote:
>First of all... I would like to say that I just got a copy of Ferrets
>For Dummies and I have to say that THIS is the book I will recommend to
>ANYONE that tells me they want a ferret and asks questions... I KNOW there
>are other good, informative books out there about our fuzzies but this
>book is written in a way that discourages people who are UNwilling to put
>the time nessasary into caring for and loving their pets... it also helps
>anyone who already has ferrets but has some troublesome problems... I have
>already gotten some good stuff from the book and and I am only on page
>67.... which leads me to another question...on page 25 there is a picture
>of a cage made out of PVC pipes... I would love to know who where and how
>on the cage.... It looks like a fun place to be a ferret.  heheheheee...
Hey, Betty!  Thanks for the strong endorsement.  I've been very pleased
with all the feedback I've gotten on the book.  Not one negative comment
so far......there's still time!  But I wanted to let you know about the know, the one that looked like so much fun.  Made of pvc and
checkerboard background.  THAT cage was perhaps the biggest pain in my rear
end!  It came with two ferret give-ups (Elmos and Bouka....still in need of
a good home.  hint hint).  The owner of the ferrets made it.  It was very
pretty to look at, and I actually liked the concept, but it was so
impractical.  The entire front of the cage was the door.  It opened from
the top part and layed on the ground in front when opened.  This means I
had to kneel ON the door to reach those far corners.  It also would've been
better with wider diameter pvc, as the cage itself twisted and bent out of
shape easily.  This led to loose ferrets.  Unfortunately, the cage was
tossed out with the garbage shortly after those pictures were taken.  I'm
sure it could've been revised to better suit ferrets and their caretakers.
In fact, I intended to fix it (in my spare time. lol), but it had finally
gotten the best of me and out the door it went......... BUT, this cage was
perfect for illustrating how creative ferret people can get with cages.
And no one could tell by the picture that the design had a major
flaw.....hehehe.  Take care and thanks again for your kind words!
[Posted in FML issue 3206]