First, before anyone jumps to a conclusion, a wrong one at that, let me
preface this note with a statement that at no time does our ferret play
(as will be described) unattended.
Anyway, we had a bright orange plastic bag from one of the local stores
(Kohl's) that crinkled when moved.  Most plastic bags will do that to some
degree, but not like this one.  This one really is noisy.  Anyway, Layla,
our fert, found that she loved to enter the bag and then run inside it,
moving it all around the room.  Back and forth, back and forth.  She
obviously was enjoying it, especially the noise.  Other bags are of no
interest to her.
So, to entertain her, with always an adult present, we let her romp with
the noisy, crinkly bag until she tires of it and moves on to other
pastimes.  The bag is then removed from the floor.
It's a great toy for her.  Others might find their fert to respond
A. Wiebe
[Posted in FML issue 3206]