Both as an incentive to get folks to donate to one of the ADV Research
Funds, and as a way to say "Thank You" to those who do, I'd like to offer
the following URL:
If you like what you see, please feel free to link to the page, or to pass
it on to others... I should have better pics up in a day or two - if I
don't, please contact me directly and I'll email pics to you if you're
interested.  But, I wanted to get this up now since this is a limited-time
My heartfelt thanks go out to all those who are on the front lines of this
issue!  I hope this helps.....
Carla Smith  <><
WhyNot? Ferrets
ICQ:  29478475
member, Rio Grande Domestic Ferret Club, El Paso, TX
"Every pet deserves to be loved, and to have someone cry over them when
 they're gone."
[Posted in FML issue 3205]