I have a site on this:
It has many suggestions for asthmatic and allergic people.
What is not on the page is information on clean air hepa filters and such
because I am unfamiliar with them.  I don't go into the new dust mite
killers you put on carpets because I don't know that they are safe for
ferrets.  If such carpet powders are not safe, then daily vacuuming with
a dust free vacuum, and steam cleaning are you best option.  I would talk
to your doctor, etc., about allergy prevention because there is A LOT you
can do.
As far as the sealants.... I'm an unaware of those.  I am aware of a spray
a while back that you put on animals for your allergies from "Outright"
products.  I"m not sure how well they work.  If you choose to bath your
ferrets more than once a month..... pleeeeeease at least use a mild ferret
shampoo, and use a good healthy ferret conditioner such as PPP, or vets
best products, etc..  That will help your ferret with dry skin....and there
for less dander.  I have the "Outright" Allergy Relief from Dogs product.
I have tried that and find its not any better than taking other actions.
Possibly the product has one for Cats that may be more appropriate.  I am
leary of using too much of anything because if you ruin a ferrets coat and
it sheds more you are in trouble.  If you hurt and dry out a ferrets skin
they will flake and have more dander not to mention scratch more and leave
more dander.
I would focus on the environment even more than the actual ferrets in
prevention.  By this I mean cleaning the cage and any ferret laundry every
day.  I mean keeping the ferrets out of your bedroom, etc... as that is
where you spend half your life.  My site has many tips on there to use ...
Please visit:
For information on deafness in ferrets:
[Posted in FML issue 3176]