So say the 'Yakimaniacs'.......
Twice this week, the ferrets have just about pushed us to the brink......
It started on Tuesday....I got to work at the usual 0645, and reached in my
backpack for my PDA....hmmm, there is no PDA in the pack??  Now, I have a
distinct memory of putting it in my pack, before I went back for just a few
minutes to clean the cellsaver, before heading home.....yet, there appears
to be no PDA????  I go to the rooms I worked PDA.  I thoroughly
search my PDA.  I go to all the PDA.  I look on
the floor of the lounge, and re-search the PDA!  I try (very
hard) to remember when I had PDA in hand....and it keeps coming up, as
having me put it in my pack.... I eventually after 3 hours, begin to
believe that someone stole it in the few minutes I was away from my
pack.....yet this seems hard to believe.  I start to remember it as a's color's sound....(it was a WinCE PDA.....)
it's expense!  It was I was going to miss it's heft
in my's soft rubbery like case covered with little ferret
teeth marks, it's memory sl........wait a's soft rubbery
like case????  covered in little ferret teeth marks???  We had ferrets in
the bedroom last pack was in the bedroom last night......and,
I remember Jokers butt heading down my pack......could that little weasel
have taken my PDA out of my pack??  When my lunch half hour came, I walked
home, with fingers crossed....would it be??  Upon arrival home I headed to
the bedroom....where might the PDA be?  There are 3 dressers, and the bed
to choose from......a quick scan revealed 1 dresser with 2 shoes half
pulled under......that, I decide is my best bet!  Moving aside the shoes,
I thrust my hand beneath the dresser, and encounter...........the soft
rubbery case of my PDA!!!!  Joker had taken it out, and safely put it
beneath the dresser!  Now, if he can do that, why, oh why can't he take
the used 'Tupperware' out of my pack, and put it in the dishwasher?
Wednesday evening found me putting 10 of the 'day ferrets' away in their
cages in order to let the 5 'night ferrets' run free.  The usual
routine..... 4 of the boys are out constantly, and 1 girl (seperated all
day) are the 'night crew'!
I gathered and seperated them all in their cages.....around here, the boys,
and the girls sleep in seperate cages at night...
The routine is 6 girls in one cage, and 4 boys in another cage, with 4 boys
and the solitary girl out, for the night.  I had everyone put away.....yet
I had only 5 girls in their cage!  Did a quick count, and
remains 1 girl missing!
Having been here before, and having been made a fool of before......I move
each ferret, check each hammock, look under each sleep-pot, den, sack,
blanket, everywhere a ferret could be.......even under the cages!  Three
times this is done....with increasing panic, as I continue to be short one
ferret on every sweep!!!
It remains 5 girls in one cage, and 4 boys in the other cage, and 4 boys
underfoot (helping me to find the missing Albino female...'The
Princess'), and of course the single solitary female in a cage all by
herself......still missing one!
We now gather the squeek toys, and myself (armed with the 'Mighty Squeeky
Carrot') headed to the basement......every door/drawer/cupboard on 3 levels
was eventually opened!  There was no sign of the 'Rickster'  Eventually we
ended up back in the ferrets room (no less baffled tho!.......)
Now, the solitary female ferret, (Jasmine) in her cage, was outside her
hammock, at the bars....but, as night draws near, she often is, waiting to
be let out.......
My wife asked me to check Jasmine's hammock.....tho I know Riki can't be in
it (it is one of those fleece inside ones, so you can sleep in it, or on
it) as Riki and Jasmine fight non-stop!  Hence Jasmine's isolation.....
Nevertheless, I reach inside Jasmine's hammock........and feel........a
sleeping Riki!!!!!!!
Apparently at 0630, as I was doing a quick clean on Jasmine's litterbox,
Riki somehow slipped inside!?!?  Now this is a black wire cage with black I missed an Albino ferret.......I'll never know!
They somehow co-existed for approx 14 hours........where they cannot exist
for 14 nanoseconds normally!
That's just about all we can stand from here!
Richard, Debra and those 15 'Yakimaniacs' of Yakima
Riki, Tiki, Tavi, Chuckles, Pansy, Clover, Rose, Jester, Joker, Lily,
Jasper, Jasmine, Martin, Casper, and Rex!
[Posted in FML issue 3175]