I was thrilled to see that in the Kansas section of Sam's pictures that
some of my ferrets are pictured!  For those of you who are wondering what
the infamous Poncho that I adopted from Bob Church looks like, he's the
julie5.jpg picture.  I have had him for about 2 1/2 years now, I think
that's right!  He was a frail, thin sad looking little boy back then.
He is doing just fine now.  He is my oldest ferret, estimated to be
approximately at 6-7 years of age.  He is very playful, loving, loves to
give kisses and is a real joy to be a mommy to.  julie4.jpg is Crimson,
who passed away recently.  She was our school's mascot and I wrote about
her when she passed and many of you responded with very kind words that
helped heal our hearts.
I am SO LOOKING FORWARD TO FERRETS 2000!!!  I will be traveling with our
shelter mom, Bobbie McCanse from the Kansas City Ferret Hotline and
Shelter.  I can hardly wait to meet all of you and to see Sam again!
See everyone soon!
Julie and Razz, Poncho, Boo and Deli
[Posted in FML issue 3173]