Well, I took the little one to the vet yesterday and I was told pretty
much what I already knew.  It's either a simple infection, botched spay
or adrenal.  She did lose 5 oz. of weight since I had her vaccinated on
July 26th.  And the 2 little "sores" on her lower abdomen are her mammory
glands, according to my vet.  She took blood samples to run various tests
(I should hopefully get the results of the tests tomorrow - Tuesday) and
prescribed .03cc of Sulfatrim Suspension 2 times a day, for the next 10
Which brings me to my next question.  How can I get Bean to take this stuff
without feeling like I'm torturing her.  I've tried wrapping her in a
towel, scruffing, etc.  she just will not sit still and doesn't like the
taste of this stuff at all...It smells like cherry cough syrup, but is more
the consistancy of Pepto Bismal.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  I
feel so bad having to force these meds on her, but I'm doing the best I can
right now...
Thanks everyone!
Leslie (bad mommy), Bean (ACK! What IS that stuff? Must...get...away!) and
Daggett (Hey...how come I don't get any?)
[Posted in FML issue 3172]