Hey y'all - it's me, Murray, back to report on the latest show happenings!
Murray's been quiet for some time, since the Aleutians talk started.
Murray didn't want to get involved.  That is not to say that Murray does
not care, just the opposite.  But Murray reports on shows and did not
want to let that issue cloud show reports.
I was present at the recent Columbus Ohio show... yepper, I returned to
the scene of such turmoil last time.  Murray got pretty ripped by some
over that report.  Hey, I call 'em as I see 'em.
Last Ohio show I was told that the one previous had been excellent, and
was given promises that this year's show would be great as well.  I was
skeptical.  I was wrong.  Kudos to the Ohio folks for really coming back
110%.  There was good and bad, but Murray hasn't been to a show that hasn't
had both.
First the bad, let's get it out of the way: timing.  The show ran far too
long.  The judges and the show coordinators know that though, this isn't
news to anyone.  It was handled well despite how long the show ran.  The
judges were getting tired and cranky but Murray can't blame them.  They
did a good job.
The good news is that's the worst thing that Murray has to say about the
show.  A few other points to mention will come in "Overheard" below.  But
first, what Murray liked:
the show hall was excellent.  A zillion times better than last years.
Spacious and clean, food on the premises, lots of room for exhibitors and
vendors alike.
the marquee outside was tremendous.  If only all shows had billing like
loved the board that listed what ferrets and classes were being showed.
Great idea.  Nice and big and easy to use.  Murray can't see too well so
little tiny signs aren't Murray's favorite.
excellent selection of vendors and organizations.  Good to see Aleutians
folks there (that's as far as I go about Aleutians).
Show organizers were pleasant.  Can't say enough about that.  They were all
dressed visibly as working the show.  Anyone who knows Murray knows that I
don't like having to ask ten people who is working a show.  And for all the
questions Murray asked of them, never was I given a short or rude answer.
Thank you for that!
Raffle -- another Murray favorite topic.  No complaints!  Hope it made you
all good money.
Ribbons and trophies -- another Murray favorite.  Great job.  Loved the
trophies and the picture people were fun to watch.
And watch out folks, Murray is going to do a complete about face.  I
slandered the poor city of Columbus last show.  Murray hated it last time.
Murray saw nothing but the back end of cars last time.  Murray was wrong.
I took the time to stroll a bit in the down time and I have to admit, what
a lovely city.  That odd building across from the show hall intrigued me.
Murray just might have to relocate!
Now for "overheard" - it was a tad mixed on vendors.  Some vendors were
overheard as having great sales and I saw some tables nearly empty by the
end of the show.  But Murray heard two vendors disappointed with sales,
one of which was a vendor that sells specific items and there was another
vendor there that sold nearly the same thing, who apparently undercut
prices a tad.  The joy of retailing I s'pose.  Murray likes all vendors
to sell lots so that's why I mention this.  This was of course of no fault
of the Ohio folks, just an observation.
Another overheard was about judges, what is new.  There will never be a
show when everyone is happy with the judges.  If it were then everyone
would go home with trophies.  Murray didn't hear a lot at first and may
have missed some of the story but the jyst was that some judges were
snappish.  It seemed to be directed at the championship judges.  All Murray
can say is that some of them were up there for many many hours and Murray
might have been snappish at that point too.  As said I didn't hear the
whole story so take that comment for what it was worth.  And as always, if
you were there, and have something to say about judges or any other show
issue, you have two choices - reply to this message, anonymously or not,
or if you prefer to have Murray speak for you, send your comments to
[log in to unmask] and I will be pleased to pass along your observations.
The last overheard was about the sound system.  Many that were not close
to judging area could not hear what was being called.  Well Murray s'poses
that when you get a kickin' show hall that is big enough to spread out that
might be a price to pay.  It would be a challenge to work on for next show.
Murray looks forward to finding out =)
Best get this sent or it will be weeks before this report comes out.  Again
Murray stresses, Murray does not profess to be the all knowing single voice
on shows.  Murray is only one person who can only see so much at a time.
Murray can use everyone's help in fairly reporting on shows.  Within 48
hours of any show, please send your comments or 'overheard' statements to
I understand the need for voicing opinions without your identity being
known.  You can trust Murray.  If you wish, post directly to FML
anonymously.  Remember Murray's goal is to encourage all show organizers
to improve on the last show until every show is the best that it can be.
Shows support ferrets, and Murray likes ferrets.  Murray likes shows that
are successful because the ferrets benefit.  'tis that simple.  Until next
Murray Mustelid the Show Sleuth
[Posted in FML issue 3171]